Our plantation management includes planting new seedlings to expand our plantations, harvesting mature trees, coppicing (to produce regenerative growth, increased biomass and multiple trunk development) and processing the harvested plant biomass.

Biomass processing by steam distillation, pyrolysis and condensation generates our value-added and environmentally sustainable product range, including high cineole-content eucalyptus oil, biochar and wood vinegar. We also produce Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and CO2 Offset Certificates (CORCs) for sale through the growth, harvest and processing cycle of our mallee and other eucalypt plantations. Our plantations also provide significant environmental benefits by reducing soil and wind erosion; re-establishing natural ecosystems/habitat; and reducing water table levels and soil/water salinity.


We plant mallee trees and other eucalypts which are native to Australia, making them perfectly suited and highly adapted for vigorous and healthy growth in the arid environment and high summer temperatures of the region.


Mature tree trunks are sheared at ground level. Coppicing is the regrowth from the lignotuber which increases biomass and carbon capture from each tree. A sustainable harvesting technique, coppicing regenerates ongoing, indefinite harvests and allows simpler/improved harvesting.

Oil Production

We use traditional steam distillation to extract oil from green oil mallee biomass to produce purer oil at a higher yield than compared to hydro distillation or solvent extraction techniques. Our oil is then simply packaged for sale.


Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition - or burning/charring - of mallee tree biomass at high temperatures in an inert and relatively anaerobic, or oxygen-free environment. Spent plant biomass - biomass left over from the steam distillation process to produce oil and biomass from the trunk and branches of mature trees - is pyrolysed to produce a range of products.

(Carbon Credits)

Fasera produces Australian Carbon Credit Units, or ACCU’s - financial instruments awarded to eligible carbon projects by the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator- from our registered plantations. We sell ACCUs to companies seeking to offset the carbon emissions that they cannot reduce.

(Carbon Credits)

Our biochar production generates compliant CORCs which are traded in international carbon offset markets. We are continuing work with our consultants to achieve the necessary accreditations to issue CORCs.

How they fit together

The Full-Circle Process

Our team of experts locate and identify land perfect for being replanted with oil mallee seedlings in environmental plantings which regenerate landscapes, reduce salinity and prevent erosion.
Our team of experts locate and identify land perfect for being replanted with oil mallee seedlings in environmental plantings which regenerate landscapes, reduce salinity and prevent erosion.
At Fasera, we plant our mallee trees and other Eucalypt species on our own farms and land owned by farmers who share our vision on landscape rehab and benefit environmentally/financially through partnerships.
Mallee trees are a multi-stemmed woody eucalypt, endemic to Australia, which develop from an underground woody structure called a lignotuber - more commonly known as a “mallee root”.
Coppicing is a sustainable forestry technique that utilises nature’s regeneration properties, encouraging multiple trunk development and increased biomass growth, resulting in improved and increasing yields over time for our entire product range.
Mature mallee trees are harvested by shearing their trunks at ground level, leaving the well-developed lignotuber below the soil surface which readily “coppices” into new growth.
Mallee trees regrow (coppice) from the lignotuber to develop into a dense, multi-trunked 2-metre shrub of healthy green biomass over a two to three year period.
Harvesting coppiced trees after regeneration is simpler and more economical than harvesting a fully mature tree. They produce a thick, healthy green biomass of leaves and twigs which is easily harvested with a mechanical forage harvester.
Younger, greener biomass has a higher (typically 1.5%) essential oil content versus an average 1.0% oil yield from mature tree biomass, meaning less harvesting is required to achieve the same result.
Coppicing also initiates a continuous cycle of atmospheric carbon capture and sequestration that locks away considerably more carbon over time than if trees are left to mature, where captured carbon peaks and then stabilises.
Harvested green biomass is transported by road to the distillation plant.
The oil mallee green biomass is batch cooked by steam distillation to extract eucalyptus oil.
During the distillation process, the steam temperature is carefully controlled at between 90°C and 100°C to ensure the highest possible oil quality is achieved.
Traditional steam distillation - rather than hydro-distillation or solvent extraction - is used for oil extraction to ensure higher oil yields, to minimise oil impurities and to reduce the loss of polar compounds.
The extracted raw and traceable oil is then packaged, or is processed in-house into a wide range of products.
About 95% of our oil products are sold in Australia and internationally in bulk; the remaining 5% are sold to retail consumers through our company website https://shop.fasera.com/. Consumer direct retail sales of higher value oils are growing rapidly.
We are advancing plans to process our extracted eucalyptus oil into pure eucalyptol locally on our Canterbury Farm, at Kulja through the construction of Australia’s first essential oil rectification tower.
Spent eucalyptus biomass is dried and then used to produce biochar and wood vinegar through a side-by-side pyrolysis plant process, reducing transports, handling, and emissions.
Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of our mallee biomass at high temperatures in an oxygen free environment to produce biochar, wood vinegar and carbon credits.
Each tonne of pyrolysed spent biomass produces 300 Kg of Bone-Dry Biochar (BDC). We can produce about 2,000 tonnes of BDC annually from the spent biomass generated by the distillation of 100,000 Kg of Eucalyptus oil.
The pyrolysis plant comprises a single continuous pyrolysis char machine. Fasera is progressing plans to bring an additional two machines online to have three machines operational by 2027.
Fasera has produced and sold ACCUs since 2010. We are continuing to progress work to achieve accreditation to be able to generate CORCs, or other internationally recognised carbon credits from our biochar production.
The accreditation process involves the completion of a Life Cycle Assessment on our Australian activities, as well as independent confirmation that our biochar production complies with the applicable standards for the various carbon credit options.